Write Now!

This blog started as a 'Lenten Writing Project', where we wrote each day in Lent. Now that Summer is here, let's keep up the discipline of writing with a weekly writing challenge! A prompt will be posted each week and anyone is welcome to join in and post their writing here or participate just by reading it.

Every writer has their own special light to add to this blog and all of your writing offerings are appreciated, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists or comments and encouragement.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lenten Writing Prompt #37

Has God ever spoken to you or moved you through an unexpected person or source?  Write about this experience.


  1. One Tuesday in March I was in my classroom working with students, when a man walked in. He introduced himself, "I'm Jay A___. Your principal said I might visit you to observe your class. May I stay for awhile?"

    I replied, "Yes. We are just taking our lunch break now, and celebrating March birthdays. Won’t you join us?"

    "Terrific!" he said. "I have a March birthday, too!"

    Jay stayed until the class was dismissed. Then he asked to talk to me about my work. He said, "I am the principal from the American school in Congo, Africa. Would you be interested in coming to teach?"

    As he spoke, I felt a sense of astonishment and wonder. As a child, I had dreamed of someday going to Africa. In recent years I had again toyed with the idea of 'someday' going. But I had not done anything to pursue that dream.

    "Oh, that sounds interesting! I will pray about it and see," I thought to myself.

    As Jay left, he said, "Please let me know your decision by Friday, as I will need to call headquarters and let them know by then.

    As I sat at my desk and prayed, I had a strong feeling that this was in God's hands, and that I should say "yes" to the next step. I picked up the phone and dialed the number of my supervisor, Joyce D____. I knew that many changes were coming in the district; changes for which I would need to be present. "How could I leave at such a time?" I thought to myself. Just then Joyce answered the phone.

    "Joyce, I have just been offered a job in Africa for a year. Do you think I could get a one-year leave to go?" In my mind, I certainly expected that the answer would be "no."

    "What a wonderful opportunity!" Joyce responded. "I have just come from a meeting, and the changes planned for your class are going to be delayed for a year! Yes, this might be possible. But you will need to talk with Mrs. B____."

    "OK. I'll try to see her today." I hung up the phone, feeling a bit light-headed as I walked over to Mrs. B___'s office.

    "May I talk to you for a minute? Jay has asked me to come to Africa for a year. What would you think of me taking a leave of absence to do this?"

    "What? Is Jay recruiting my best teacher?" she laughed. "Well, seriously, this sounds like the chance of a lifetime. You should talk with Mr. Fred I___ as soon as possible." (to be continued)

  2. (continued)

    As I left her office, I thought of my full schedule for the week. This was Tuesday afternoon. Besides teaching all day, I had meetings and workshops scheduled for every day and evening of the week through Saturday. "How can I possibly find time to see Mr. I___?" I thought. "Oh, well, I guess there is nothing more I can do." Mentally turning the whole thing over to God, I left it in His hands as I prepared the next day's lessons.

    Each Wednesday, the day began with a staff meeting at 8:00 a.m. I walked into the meeting room, looking for an empty seat. Suddenly, I realized that Mr. I____ was in the room next to the only empty seat! "He never comes to these meetings! What a coincidence!' I thought to myself.

    He turned to me, "Hi, RuthAnn! How are things going for you?"

    "Very well, thank you. I have been hoping to talk to you about something," I replied.

    "Let's step outside, then. I have a few minutes," he said.

    I briefly explained Jay's offer to him.

    Mr. I____ said, "What a wonderful opportunity! Of course we will miss you, but I am sure you may have the leave of absence. You must get the formal request in by next week, which is the deadline for leave requests."

    As I thanked him, I thought to myself, "I am amazed at how this is happening. Impossible things are falling into place as if arranged by God!"

    Over the next several months, many impossible deadlines were met, many impossible arrangements fell easily into place. With each "impossible step", I had the calm and inexplicable sense of God's leading. I simply had an enormous sense of saying "Yes, Lord!" to one step at a time.

    On August 8 I arrived to begin my year in Africa, a life-changing and blessed year, with God at every step.

    1. What an amazing story! I can't wait to read the first draft of your autobiography - you have this summer to complete it and get it to me in the Fall! (...And I will be first in line to buy it!) I love your stories and reading/hearing about your amazing life experiences!

  3. by Pat Mason

    Sometimes when talking with someone who is discussing a serious, personal problem, I have found myself saying some words of encouragement or offering a different, more positive perspective.

    I have no idea where those words come from.

    I like to think they come from God.

    1. That has happened to me as well. I know what you mean!

    2. Pat, it's wonderful how God gives us the words sometimes. Your words are a good reminder to be listening for that.

  4. God With Us
    By Marlene Obie

    As I started thinking about this prompt yesterday morning, names and experiences swarmed in my mind. Covering 70 years in this space and amount of time would be difficult. There are so many people through whom God has spoken through and acted with in my life. Just thinking about them as they hovered in my memories kept me warm all day.
    Examples this week:
    Wednesday morning Lectionary Study :
    Women round the table expressing concern and bring requests for prayers for those they know need them.
    Beverly – a very special woman who despite her own health issues is always concerned about others, remembering those we have prayed for and asking about them by name.
    The Pastors, (this week Pastor Katy) facilitating discussions of the texts, offering insights and details.
    Thursday morning
    Teacher and women in line dance class
    Members of my household
    Communication with friends and family online.

    What does God say through the whole hive?
    I am here.
    You’re forgiven
    You’re worthy
    Be not afraid
    Be still
    Cast out your net
    Of course you can
    Take care of yourself too
    Get up and walk
    Follow me
    Watch out
    Speak up
    Hang on
    Bask in this beauty
    Pray unceasingly
    Let it go
    Reach out
    Get along
    Be thankful
    Advocate for the forgotten and mistreated
    Seek understanding
    Take some chances
    It will be all right
    Don't give up
    Isn't this fun now?
    I love you
    And the buzz goes on!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Man In The 4th Pew

    disheveled visitor
    talking between the bold responses
    indicated in our bulletin.
    everyone is nicely nice about it
    pretending not to notice
    but I strain with one eye to see who it is
    he is holding one paper cup
    full to the brim of coffee
    and one ceramic cup
    full to the brim of coffee
    in the sanctuary.
    after the service he talks to almost everyone.
    wants to know about choir
    wants to know about summer activities
    fifteen snickerdoodles piled on his plate
    precariously gesturing with his coffees
    amid a bustling fellowship hall

    At the Wednesday night service we
    light candles for our loved ones
    on the way back to my contemplative seat,
    he thrusts out his hand and in a loudish *speaking* voice
    “Hi, I’m Dave!”
    he could be God.
    because he was doing things in a Godly way
    upside down
    I took both his hands in mine
    and said in a loudish *speaking* voice, “Hi, I’m Ruth”
    and returned to my seat.
    there is God in all of us
    I honor the God that resides in him
