Write Now!

This blog started as a 'Lenten Writing Project', where we wrote each day in Lent. Now that Summer is here, let's keep up the discipline of writing with a weekly writing challenge! A prompt will be posted each week and anyone is welcome to join in and post their writing here or participate just by reading it.

Every writer has their own special light to add to this blog and all of your writing offerings are appreciated, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists or comments and encouragement.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lenten Writing Prompt #27

Write about a time when you felt far away from God.  How did you find peace?


  1. by Pat Mason

    Where did God go?

    I've needed to talk with Him but my prayers seem empty and unheard.
    So I talked with a close friend instead.

    I needed to know this crazy, hurting world was still in His hands but the heartache and hate continued.
    So I had to help my neighbor in need myself.

    I was looking for His presence in the depths of my loneliness but all I found myself looking at was a shaft of sunlight across the kitchen floor.

    I was scared, fearful of the future so I turned to God. He seemed so far away. Maybe He was busy, too busy for me. So I cried and the only comfort I found was from a faithful dog who came and put his head on my knee.

    I needed to know if compassions and mercy and forgiveness still could exist but all I saw from the news were the results of misunderstandings and greed. I had to turn it off. Perhaps I'll have to see what people are doing down at church. Someone invited me. Maybe I can lend a hand. Maybe.

    But still...where was God?

  2. Disconnected from God:

    God? Are you there?
    Silence answers.

    Disconnected from God:

    God? I need you.
    Nothing answers.

    Disconnected from God:

    God? Where are you?
    Hush. Quiet. Wait.

    God, I am here,

    For your still, small voice.

  3. Depression


  4. Not a God Far Off
    by Marlene Obie

    During times of terrific stress, doubt and confusion in my life, I have confidence that God is near because in every instance I have had wonderful people who surround me with love, support, wisdom, and grace.

    I expect God is present in the problem as well as the support and solutions and do a lot of questioning and insisting that He's mistaken about my being able to handle the situation. In tears and anguish, I cry, "Lord, I can't do this."

    As I stood one Sunday for the hymn, "Here I Am Lord.", I silently ranted through it: "I'm not singing this, Lord. I'm not here. Don't call on me. I've had it. I can't do this. I'm done. You're expecting too much. Call someone else; let them handle it." I pursed my lips tightly together.

    Yet, the Spirit always brings me the amazing gifts of family members, pastors, counselors, and friends in every component of my life who supply me with sustenance and strength, plugging up my gaps of faith in myself. I know by now that ultimately, the highest good will come about, but without my beautiful companions who hang around waiting with me, I know I wouldn't recognize it. I'd be sitting there with eyes and ears covered, repeating the litany of why, why, why.

    Thank you, all my beautiful touches of God!

  5. Gaah! I'm still too sensitive to publish what I wrote on this one - but I did write. I'll fill in some main themes: Post partum depression and trying to handle it all myself with "God, I got this one...I need the illusion of control" Right.

  6. Lenten Prompt #27 Monday March 19 2012

    I am driving.
    Driving to nowhere.
    A man is pointing
    a gun
    to my swollen belly
    5 months along.

    Why is this happening?
    God be with me.
    God protect me.
    God please help me.
    I go to certain doom.

    Where are You O God?
    I have known You so long.
    I have loved You all my life.
    Where are You tonight?

    The moon is full and
    the gun is so near.
    I even pray for the soul
    of the stranger
    But still I do not feel You near.
    Where are You O God?

    But You were there O God.
    In spite of the tears
    You kept me safe.
    You brought me home.
    You gave me a beautiful daughter.
    You healed me.
    You made me smile again.
