Write Now!

This blog started as a 'Lenten Writing Project', where we wrote each day in Lent. Now that Summer is here, let's keep up the discipline of writing with a weekly writing challenge! A prompt will be posted each week and anyone is welcome to join in and post their writing here or participate just by reading it.

Every writer has their own special light to add to this blog and all of your writing offerings are appreciated, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists or comments and encouragement.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lenten Writing Prompt #18

Notice God in nature today and tell about it.


  1. by Pat Mason

    Saw a crow taking a very splashy bath in a large mud puddle today, even though it was pouring down rain at the time.

    If water represents the Spirit then perhaps this crow could represent mankind.

    We busy ourselves splashing around in life, muddying up the waters looking for God's Spirit. Sometimes all we really need to do is to pause and look up and realize that God has been raining His Spirit down on us all along.

    "Be still and know." How true this is.

  2. Warm rain trickles down
    On cold dormant bulbs and seeds.
    Vibrant life bursts forth.
    Golden daffodils trumpet
    The resurrection of Spring.

  3. Guaranteed to Bloom
    by Marlene Obie

    Like the commercial with catsup
    slowly microinching down the bottleneck,
    Spring pushes slender daffodil leaves and stems
    and wider, darker verdent tulip leaves
    up through the soil.
    Anticipation sonar calls me to inspect
    the progress which seems not to change
    each day that I look.
    So are prayers changing our determined
    Winter hardness of minds and hearts
    into hopeful, imaginative energy of Spring.
    Regeneration is in motion, God knows,
    flowers are imminent.

    1. beautiful! Thank you.

    2. Oh Marlene, Such a gorgeous poem! That one goes in the book!

  4. Evermore, Evermore

    Year in and year out -
    the planets glide gracefully
    round about.

    Day in and day out -
    the tides flow in
    the tides flow out

    Beat after beat -
    our hearts are strong
    and living life is oh so sweet

    Yet, after the beats
    when the days all end
    and the years are no more
    love will carry us evermore, evermore.
    love will carry us evermore, evermore.

  5. Saw a tree the shape of an upside down pencil with a beaver damn near by. The tree looked as if ready to topple over. The never ending cycles of life.

  6. Lenten Prompt #18 March 10, 2012 Saturday

    God whispered to me today
    in a sweet, warm breeze

    It has been 20 degrees for many months
    I'm not complaining
    I was expecting that

    But God came by today
    in a warm, 60 degree breeze

    I opened the front door
    I opened the back window
    I soaked it all in,
    with a long, deep sigh

    God whispered to me today
    in a sweet, warm breeze

  7. Yesterday I did not get outside into nature, but that did not mean that I didn’t notice it. The wind knocked on my door – catching the artificial aluminum shamrocks that hang there and knocking them against the wood to say, ‘I am here’. Mud and grass cling to shoes of visitors and the little pieces make their way in like stowaways – knowing that they will have a successful month tumbling around my floor before I notice them. Rain pelts my roof and drums it’s rain-fingers to say, “I am here”. Perhaps it is time that I should be still and know...
