Write Now!

This blog started as a 'Lenten Writing Project', where we wrote each day in Lent. Now that Summer is here, let's keep up the discipline of writing with a weekly writing challenge! A prompt will be posted each week and anyone is welcome to join in and post their writing here or participate just by reading it.

Every writer has their own special light to add to this blog and all of your writing offerings are appreciated, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists or comments and encouragement.

Friday, August 10, 2012


What is something surprising you learned about yourself or your faith while away from what you normally consider "home"?  Where did you go?  How did the location play a part in this? 


  1. So we flew on vacation to Illinois to visit family. We were there for eleven days and including a trip to Toronto we drove the rental car 1700 miles! We rode the Maiden of the Mist at Niagara Fall and got soaked! We sat at an out door tea shop with my brother talking and drinking tea till 11 PM in the most beautiful weather. We carried boxes and boxes of paper out of the farm house that has been in our family for 100 years. We ate tacos and talked and talked with cousins and old friends. We got to hold the newest baby in the family. We did a lot of wonderful things!

    Still, when I think of our vacation I think that, almost every day since we have been home, my 17 year old son (remember he is a guy and he's 17) has woken up before I leave for work and has given me a hug. I'm not sure what happened on vacation - but I am face to face with a full on blessing here! Oh Boy!

  2. I took a road trip down the Oregon Coast and to a music fest with friends in Central Oregon. As I camped out in the high dessert I listend to coyotes howling into the cool night. But, what struck me most was the time I spent gathered around the camp fire with music that somehow transplaced me into some different space and time. In the morning it was hard to imagine that the camp fire was just outside the house, I thought I was perhaps up on some mountain top, away from civilization. Mystery! Jackie D
