Write Now!

This blog started as a 'Lenten Writing Project', where we wrote each day in Lent. Now that Summer is here, let's keep up the discipline of writing with a weekly writing challenge! A prompt will be posted each week and anyone is welcome to join in and post their writing here or participate just by reading it.

Every writer has their own special light to add to this blog and all of your writing offerings are appreciated, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists or comments and encouragement.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


There are many people named Mary that play an important role in the Bible.  Which most resonates with you in your life?  Do you identify with one? Is there a non-Biblical Mary in your life who is special to you?  Write about Mary today.


  1. Mary’s Diary: December 26, 0000

    Dear Diary
    I felt bad last night,
    chasing the angels off
    but it was late,
    I was tired
    and the baby needs a schedule!
    That time of night I don’t care who sent you!

    The shepherds finally left.
    They had been quiet
    and stayed out of the way mostly,
    just watching.
    They seemed nice
    but it was a little creepy.
    Dirty guys from the field ….
    standing around
    doing nothing but ….
    Seemed weird to me.

    I don’t know how many nights
    Joseph paid for in this stable
    I hope not many.
    I think this hay has bugs.

    Joseph is talking about another “dream”
    and needing to take us to Egypt.
    I don’t think he’s been drinking
    but come on …… Egypt?
    Hey Joe,
    remember what they did
    last time our people went that direction?
    Think “pyramids”!

    Getting here was no fun
    pregnant and all.
    Now he wants to move along and in a hurry!
    He’s got a lot to learn about
    traveling with kids!

    I can’t wait to get home
    and sleep on my own dirt.
    My mom will want to see the baby.
    Old people love babies.
    Her birthday is coming next month!
    She’ll be 30!

    Note: I wrote this some time ago. Maybe Mary had a attitude? Who knows?

  2. Mary’s Preparation

    Think of Mary
    preparing for the birth of her child,
    for the coming of the Christ into her life ...
    and mine.

    Imagine Mary
    preparing for the birth of her Child;
    needing swaddling clothes, lots of them;
    a sheltered home, warmth, food, loved ones,
    for the birth of her first Child.

    But just as everything is nearly ready
    Joseph gets the word that they must travel to Bethlehem.
    - On a donkey, of all things!
    - How inconvenient!
    In fact, how apparently impossible!

    Even today, a mother-to-be thinks twice
    about planning a journey at such a time.
    So dangerous! So uncomfortable!
    Such a choice! Such terrible risk!

    If I were Mary, what would I do?
    Such a choice! To risk life itself?
    Such vulnerability!

    And so it is for each of us
    in every time and in every place.
    Christ is coming, of that we can be certain.

    Whether it is in Bethlehem, Kirkland, or your home town,
    Christ's coming will catch us at a vulnerable moment.
    The choice is always between "Yes" and "No".
    The risk is always life itself.

    It is in making the choice,
    in taking the risk,
    in becoming vulnerable
    that meaning and worth are found.

    It is in saying "Yes!” to the Coming Christ
    that our preparation becomes complete.
    Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.

    RuthAnn Wilson July 2012
