Write Now!

This blog started as a 'Lenten Writing Project', where we wrote each day in Lent. Now that Summer is here, let's keep up the discipline of writing with a weekly writing challenge! A prompt will be posted each week and anyone is welcome to join in and post their writing here or participate just by reading it.

Every writer has their own special light to add to this blog and all of your writing offerings are appreciated, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists or comments and encouragement.

Monday, June 25, 2012

This Little Light of Mine

What does your "light" look like, feel like - how can you identify that it is 'your' light - or is it yours?  Can you personify it as a separate entity - a muse that acompanies you or the Holy Spirit? What is the essence of 'you-ness' that you think might stay with your soul?


  1. To identify one's 'light' can be one of life's most bewildering challenges.
    We seem to be born with a spirit immersed in our own light. We innocently express it unabashedly from the day we are born.
    Unfortunately, as life goes on and we are taught the 'right' way to think and be, we lose much of that light. Sometimes we arrive at adulthood wondering whatever happened to that happy, innocent and trusting spirit that we used to be.
    Some fortunate few have never lost their light, some others realize their loss and work to become it anew later on in life. And some others become fearful, bitter and resentful as they mourn the loss of their own light.

    Fortunately, though we may have forgotten or abandoned our inner lights, the spirit of that light never abandons us and continually tries to get our attention. If we pay even the slightest attention to the beauty and fun that surrounds us no matter what our circumstances...we may be very pleasantly surprised.

    Pat Mason

  2. When I was young the issue my Mom 'parented' me on the most was patience - over and over. "Be patient, Larry" she would say. Frankly, it was't the best short term lesson plan. It like telling someone to not be scared or to settle down. Well, it was just frustrating on the receiving end. But in the long run those words found a deep home in my soul. I am still impatient at times - but I feel like I manage it and even use it as a gift - most of the time!
    In a number of settings people have told me the appreciate my peacefulness. That is a cultivated gift - as well! Coming out of the gates as a young boy who was nervous and scared - I understand the gift that peace on the inside really is.
    I think my 'light' usually comes through the lenses of patience and peacefulness - but there are times when impatience or facing the reality of fear is precisely what is needed by - and I can go there.
    I think how I live my light has changed over the years but these are the themes that seem to come up again and again - or the gifts that seem to be given over and over...

    1. I...am exactly the opposite. But it's good to know it's a learned skill - maybe there's hope for me after all!

  3. I wrote this piece several years ago on Transfiguration Sunday, when I went home and thought about light and darkness, faith and fear. Now I am thinking of the song "This Little Light of Mine". For me, it is the Light of Jesus that I need to trust,and follow that light and let that light shine.

    The Tunnel At The End Of The Light

    One Transfiguration Sunday, as I heard the Lectionary words, I recalled one of my own mountain-top experiences in my faith journey. When we begin to recognize the Glory of God, it is dazzling. We are surrounded by radiance when we recognize God’s light.

    But do we know there is a tunnel ahead?

    The liturgical reading of the Church takes us with Moses as he ascends the cloud-covered mountain in the presence of the Lord; shows us Peter with Jesus transfigured in a numinous cloud of light; and describes Peter, James and John as they see Jesus transfigured on the mountain. The clouds are filled with light and glory!

    In the clouds, Peter, James and John recognize the divinity of Jesus Christ. The Holy Light surrounds them, but they do not see they must go down from the mountain into the world. They do not know that within a few days they will watch in horror as Jesus is crucified. Surrounded by the clouds, the future is unknown.

    Our vision is clouded, too. We have had a mountain-top experience in meeting our Savior, but we do not know to what that will lead us.

    We do not want to go into the unknown where we cannot see the way ahead. We are afraid of the unknown and we sense that there is danger ahead. There is a tunnel at the end of the light.

    “But Jesus came and touched them, saying, ‘Get up and do not be afraid.’ And when they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus himself alone.”

    We are not alone in the tunnel.

    Lord, You have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that Your Hand is leading us and Your Love supporting us; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

    Lectionary Year C: 2 Kings 2:1-12; Mark 9:2-9; 2 Corinthians 4:3-6

    1. This is great - it gave me a lot to think about!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Pillars of Peace

    The morning comes when it will.
    The dawn breaks in its own time.
    It will not be changed by my impatience
    or held off by my fear.

    Those pillars of peace around me
    are not threatened by my crazy stuff.
    They are not swayed
    by my momentary panic.

    But with grace they see me
    and know my turmoil.
    And in their knowing
    the sun rises and my freedom begins.

  6. Finding the Light

    The light within myself is hard to see
    Clouded by identity tags, insecurity, experiential history, memories, thoughts, plans, fears and random space junk.
    However, when I strip off everything
    Space junk
    And everything else
    The light that remains
    which can never be separated from me
    Is God.
    God was there all along.
