Write Now!

This blog started as a 'Lenten Writing Project', where we wrote each day in Lent. Now that Summer is here, let's keep up the discipline of writing with a weekly writing challenge! A prompt will be posted each week and anyone is welcome to join in and post their writing here or participate just by reading it.

Every writer has their own special light to add to this blog and all of your writing offerings are appreciated, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists or comments and encouragement.

Monday, January 9, 2012


He knew what he wanted
and he hoped to get it for Christmas!
He actually had a whole list of things he would enjoy
but his real desire was for the item on the top,
the first on the list!
That was the one his anticipation was set on
and he was eager!

He hadn’t written his list on paper,
it was all in his head.
He had made an annual list every year
but it had been at least 10 years
since he had written one out!
If you write out a list
someone might find it.
They might go digging around
and sleuth it out.
Or, they might just “accidently” find it,

He wasn’t’ trying
to make the whole “gift giving thing”
any harder than it needed to be.
He didn’t want to make life difficult for anyone.
He didn’t want to make life complicated at all.

It took his wife seven years to figure it out.
She fretted and fumed
fussed and fidgeted
until she figured out…
that the thing on the top of his gift list…
the thing that he wanted the most…
was the same thing every year!
What he really wanted….

was to be surprised!

So he quit writing the list down,
she didn’t need it
and he was always surprised!
And he got what he wanted!
~Pr. Larry Morris


  1. Surprise!
    He knew what he wanted
    and he hoped to get it for Christmas!
    He actually had a whole list of things he would enjoy
    but his real desire was for the item on the top,
    the first on the list!
    That was the one his anticipation was set on
    and he was eager!

    He hadn’t written his list on paper,
    it was all in his head.
    He had made an annual list every year
    but it had been at least 10 years
    since he had written one out!
    If you write out a list
    someone might find it.
    They might go digging around
    and sleuth it out.
    Or, they might just “accidently” find it,

    He wasn’t’ trying
    to make the whole “gift giving thing”
    any harder than it needed to be.
    He didn’t want to make life difficult for anyone.
    He didn’t want to make life complicated at all.

    It took his wife seven years to figure it out.
    She fretted and fumed
    fussed and fidgeted
    until she figured out…
    that the thing on the top of his gift list…
    the thing that he wanted the most…
    was the same thing every year!
    What he really wanted….

    was to be surprised!

    So he quit writing the list down,
    she didn’t need it
    and he was always surprised!
    And he got what he wanted!

  2. Ruth
    I think this might be a fun way for us to keep sharing and encourage writing between meetings!
    Pastor Larry

  3. Ruth, I think this worth a try. Looks good.

  4. Marked with ashes to remember that I have come from dust and will thus return. The ashes in the form of a cross to remember that Christ is risen and draws me through death to life -- there and then, here and now.
